2018年11月12日 星期一















(10)有一天,Danny的妻子Winnie師姐來我們的壇場,羌佛恩師告知她:「你們Danny有一場因果,注定發生災難,要造成他癱瘓, Winnie 非常擔心,請求羌佛恩師救她丈夫,羌佛恩師說:「我盡力而為,如果他是真誠學佛,才能大難轉小難,但那怕小難都還是要發生的,這是躲不過的,是因果。」Winnie回家告訴丈夫DannyDanny滿抱懷疑態度,結果羌佛恩師去到維加斯,又跟他們提到這件事說Danny的災難你們很快就會經歷,他們總半信半疑,佛陀恩師預言此事離開維加斯後,才十六天,在201857日晚上八點多,果然就發生車禍,車毀人傷,但在羌佛恩師佛力加持下,大難轉小難,汽車毀了,但免去了斷肢癱瘓,只成碎裂骨折。



(13)以上佛陀的先知預言,都是我親身經歷的,而且我還親自經歷了南無第三世多杰羌佛在為大眾說法時,提前在「Fur Fur往升說法迴向,預言可證」法音中,就預言了有一位法王將圓寂(這盤法音已發行)有一天佛陀恩師叫我通知翟芒尊者去找巴登洛德法王,讓他去寫一份他真實經歷的材料,結果到下午,尊者師兄沒有去找他寫,說今天是星期六,寫了也沒有辦法公證,南無第三世多杰羌佛十分嚴肅地告訴他;「你馬上去,一分鐘也不能耽誤,否則就寫不成了!」當時我一頭霧水,不知為何寫不成,結果翟芒尊者去找巴登洛德法王時,巴登洛德法王正和他的弟子們在住所的小公園遊玩,翟芒尊者告知了他要寫他經歷的一件事,巴登洛德法王當時便寫了這個材料,好不容易找到一個公證處,加錢請一個公證處做了公證,法王拿著公證書回到家中,突然雙足無力,無法站立,中風倒地,只能口中說話但手已經無法拿東西,及時送到醫院,醫生說是急發腦溢血中風,經搶救稍有好轉,但是手照常無法拿筆,經過幾天醫生束手無策,病況日益加劇,多次休克昏迷,心臟隨時停止跳動,在幾天後,巴登洛德法王圓寂了。



(15)我親自見到了一隻斷了單翅淹死的蜜蜂,羌佛恩師加持後起死回生,長了另外一只翅膀飛走了。還有發生在我身上的加持,有一次佛陀恩師出遠門,我肚子絞痛緊急送急診,經Hungtington醫院急救打嗎啡止痛,由於血壓已低到危險邊緣,醫生馬上在頸上大動脈血管動手術搶救,後來由於醫療體制之故,又轉院到其他兩家醫院治療,經第一流專家會診,說我得了癌症已到晚期,必須馬上手術開刀,我打電話請求佛陀恩師,請示我該怎麼辦?佛陀恩師很溫和的對我說;「正慧,你不要相信這一次醫生對你的會診決斷,不會有一點生命危險,因為你現在還需要學佛法,還要回台灣引導你的父母,你離世的時間還未到。」但我確實肚子痛到無法支站,佛陀恩師說;「這是一個因果業力帳的現前,現在你正在還這一筆帳,馬上就還完了,你回來就好了!你應該明白,萬法因果不昧,所以我才處處要你們修行,最好的行持是《解脫大手印》兩大心髓。」我聽了佛陀恩師的教化,放下了心,結果醫生堅持要我開刀,我堅決不開刀,令醫生十分憤怒,不許我繼續住院,主刀專家甚至不理我,我叫他他也不理睬,強行把我從醫院趕了出來,我在路上肚子一直都劇痛難忍,就在回到羌佛恩師住處大門口的時候,這疼痛突然消失了,果然到家就好了,現在三年多過去了,至今我肚子痛的地方沒有再痛過一次,根本就沒有癌症的影子。在羌佛恩師駐地,還有一位永登貢布仁波且,2016年在Garfield 醫院也被醫生專家團隊還帶著很多學生,從他的腎臟處挖下一塊肉,做為現場教研課題,腎衰只剩一個指標了,幾乎沒有存活的機率,他高燒不止,幾經昏迷,佛陀恩師告訴他:「你沒有腎衰竭這回事,把我這裡的稀飯拿去吃三天就好了,找醫生給你開一點感冒藥。」 結果吃了三天稀飯和感冒藥就全部好了,現在力氣大著咧!單手能舉七十斤。




    至於佛陀必具的五明,南無羌佛成為史無前例,這方面的先例,大家都知道了的,我就不提了,我所寫到的,以上只是部分而已,這些南無羌佛的鐵證事實我說得再多,有些人當下聽了,過後就會忘記,我只是幫助大家認知回憶,我再次告訴你們,我在佛陀恩師處見到的聖蹟聖事、佛陀境界太多太多,說之不完,道之不盡,正如寧瑪派貝諾總法王對札西卓瑪仁波且說:「你在南無第三世多杰羌佛身邊,一定見過很多不可思議的聖蹟吧?」確實如此,在佛陀恩師處,天上、人間,人非人等,皆在受益南無第三世多杰羌佛說法,可是有的人連狗狗都不如,明明看過羌佛恩師的很多聖蹟、佛陀聖量的出現、佛陀德境的無與倫比,卻很快就忘了,還反過來質疑我,在南無羌佛壇場的狗狗們還比他們強,在壇場的狗狗俊馬、Milo、缈缈、祥瑞、Fur Fur、福延、好運,牠們個個都會聞法頂禮,甚至名為戒本的狗狗證得了神通,在羌佛恩師每次從外面回來,提前半個小時,牠就等在門口「哼哼哼」的哼著,這時壇場的尊者、法師們,只要看到戒本蹲門發出哼哼的聲音,就會知道佛陀恩師馬上就回來了,就會開始準備茶水。而且羌佛恩師住在後堂,戒本住在前堂,只要跟戒本說;「佛陀師父叫你進去聞法了。」那怕牠在睡覺,叫第一遍牠會抬起頭,再說第二遍,牠立刻站起來毫不猶豫,自己一個就往後堂跑去頂禮拜見羌佛恩師,包括現在的祥瑞,也具如此智慧。另有名叫傑瑞的狗狗,修忍辱道第一,最後生死自由,說走就走。但有的事確實也夠難為了,如山中的猛獸,山獅、雪豹、金錢豹、野狼、九尾狐等,也聚集壇場受佛陀恩師的法教,相互和諧共處,在後院的游泳池中游泳洗澡,搞得一團糟,弟子們提出要求說這些傢伙在這裡會造成危險,請羌佛恩師把牠們趕走,南無羌佛恩師只能苦笑著搖搖頭說:「唉!牠們不會傷人的,眾生平等,游泳池就讓給牠們吧!眾生各有習氣哦,都得勤修戒定慧,才能息滅貪嗔癡啊,否則怎麼能有享受大法的那一天呢?」


                                  慚愧 佛弟子 比丘尼 釋正慧



【转发文章】–梵高、齐白石 PK 第三世多杰羌佛,看谁的作品厉害

【转发文章】–梵高、齐白石 PK 第三世多杰羌佛,看谁的作品厉害

梵高、齐白石 PK 第三世多杰羌佛, 看谁的作品厉害

请看下面梵高、齐白石 PK 第三世多杰羌佛谁厉害的结果





从梵高的绘画创作精神和立意中,能寻觅到他对中国水墨画有深刻的研究和认识。正因为如此,他在用笔、造形、设色方面,施展出中锋和排笔的手法。他笔下的《圣经》以几笔排成,又如他所绘的自画像,脸上的线条和色彩,已到达超凡脱俗的境界。而这些笔触我们不难发现,他吸取中国画的养份与精髓;故梵高的作品也远胜于其他西方油画家,如塞尚、高更等同时代的画家们,脱颖而出成为绝代高手。这是与东方的中华文明与西方文艺复兴时期的古典艺术,如点彩派、德国表现主义和印象派等有着紧密相连的关系。他到最后,画到人我一体、天人合一境界时,已到了无拘束的“任自然”境界。因此他不知道还有自我的存在,而只有艺术观和宇宙观,而“任自然” 是中华文化老子哲学的精髓。他拿刀子把自己的耳朵割下来,于忘我于画的境界中,对当年社会的不公平与怨恨作出无言的反抗。

齐白石其实对印象派、野兽派、写实主义等西方绘画都有深厚的研究,取西方之精髓,融汇东方艺术的传统精神,自创一派而成为二十世纪国画大师。他落笔沉稳而力透纸背,他用羊毫笔而以书法入画,其线条刚健有力而带有婀娜多姿和力拔山兮气盖世的豪情,像铁线描般钢圆而有弹性。他的笔所到处随心所欲而自然天成,并配以如碑刻般强壮雄健流畅的书法。这种随心所欲的“任自然”的艺术思想,正是中华民族老子哲学和艺术文明的泉源;而又和梵高借鉴老子的哲学思维是一致的。齐白石在绘画中喜欢留白,而留白在黑白的中国水墨画中也定为是一种素彩,所谓墨分九色(中国古书墨分五色),这就说明了白色的纸和黑色的墨都是色彩。齐白石的作品有精密细致的一面,所画的昆虫如蚱蜢、螳螂、蝴蝶等,非常精致和色彩灿烂,而有些作品却是寥寥数笔,意到心不到的忘我境界。无论笔下所画的一切,生动活泼而跃然纸上,而灵气动人经络。 总之,他落笔胸有成竹,童心意趣浑然天成。

最近有人拿梵高和齐白石两人的作品“向日葵”与第三世多杰羌佛创作的“向日葵” 比较,看谁绘的更厉害与超群,或对后世的影响更广和深远。而我对梵高、齐白石、第三世多杰羌佛的绘画作品过目较多,正如我九岁在老师的启蒙下开始研究和鉴赏齐白石的画作,十四岁开始欣赏梵高的作品与研究,都己经数十年矣!同时,我对第三世多杰羌佛的创作神往己久。为了却我的欲望和心愿,还直接乘飞机从纽约到三藩市参观“美国国际艺术馆”和到洛杉矶欣赏“第三世多杰羌佛文化艺术馆”的珍藏。这两间艺术馆雄伟庄严的建筑,给人留下深刻的印象,而艺术馆内珍藏的第三世多杰羌佛的真迹藏品,有不同材质的各种创作,有豪放的、也有细致妩媚而令人震惊的,不一而足;而唯一没有给参观者欣赏的是第三世多杰羌佛笔下的“向日葵”。当我听说有评论家拿梵高、齐白石的“向日葵” 与第三世多杰羌佛的“向日葵”比较时,我自然地觉得,就以我数十年对梵高和齐白石所作的研究和经验,觉得他们三人的艺术境界是旗鼓相当的,而关于比较他们三人的“向日葵” 作品,高低之分还是有的。这包括构图、色彩、用笔、线条、神韵、灵气等等,都是可以比较谁画得更好,或者换句话说,谁的作品让观者更喜欢和给人们更大的喜悦,又或对整个世界文明和艺术观与哲学的影响更大呢?因此,我们会毫不含糊地已经得出了一个结论,三人中论情性与修养,梵高会是三人之末;论功力,齐白石也在梵高之前,而梵高在西方文化中己是顶尖的强者。第三世多杰羌佛是现世纪的佛陀,大慈大悲渡众生而又非凡夫俗子之身。以佛陀的修为,不用说都在梵高和齐白石二人之上;以绘画的创造和功力,佛陀又岂是凡夫俗子们所能及的?就这样,胜负立判。

当那些评论家们把梵高和齐白石与第三世多杰羌佛的“向日葵” 进行了一番细心的研究,同时他们进行了临摹三人的“向日葵”作品,在临摹梵高和齐白石的作品后,确实深深感觉在实践中更能认识,如真正要达到他们的境界,虽不太容易而并不难。而对于第三世多杰羌佛的“向日葵”作品,临摹起来比较吃力,虽反复试了多次,不但神韵,就连外形都难摹仿。羌佛的“向日葵” 很明显地有扎实的中西画基础和传统功力,而精华粹汇,自成一派的笔触、情调与色彩。色调与笔痕浑朴厚重,温润与华美,其笔触与神韵生动活泼而融为一体,而有出神入化的磅礡豪迈与灵气,和强大的生命力。对于多杰羌佛的油画插在花瓶中的“向日葵”,画艺高绝而异变多端,构图简单玄妙,花朵大方自然,到了让人无法捉摸而达到天人合一的境地,灵气迫人。关于他的水墨“向日葵”,笔法豪放自然,挥洒自如,笔力沉雄稳健而飘逸如金石般韵味;从上到下,整幅画呈现和谐而有动感的境像,而自然地表现活鲜的生命力、潇洒与灵气的精神。

西方文明的梵高,东方文化的齐白石和第三世多杰羌佛三人的比较,因为文化的差异而各有千秋。而二三百年后,能够影响整个世界的,才是永恒的丰碑。“江山代有人才出,各领风骚五百年!” 而对现世的人们来说,你心中喜欢谁?谁就是最厉害的!







林缉光    2018 年10月26日



#第三世多杰羌佛#梵高 #齐白石 #艺术

2018年11月7日 星期三

Supreme Buddha-Dharma Once Again Astonishes the World

Supreme Buddha-Dharma Once Again Astonishes the World

Supreme Buddha-Dharma Once Again Astonishes the World

This news is featured in media below:

Supreme Buddha-Dharma Once Again Astonishes the World

Dharma King Gar Tongstan Ciren Gyatso demonstrated his world-astounding mastery over his own birth and death by practicing the supreme dharma method of cultivation transmitted by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III.
By Liu Yinghong
In Buddhism, mastery over one’s own birth and death has always been a legend. Yet, in September of 2018, I saw that with my own eyes!
The Buddhism founded by Sakyamuni Buddha has been propagated in the world for more than 2,000 years and has evolved into various sects and schools, each with its own teachings and traditions. Patriarchs, eminent monastics, and greatly virtuous people have all talked about how they themselves possess the best teachings, boasting that they themselves can teach people the ultimate accomplishment and liberation. Yet, what are the results? As proven by facts, very few people in history truly attained the accomplishment of actual liberation. Rather, the overwhelming majority of people have been unable to attain accomplishment from practicing dharma.
There have been those who attained outstanding accomplishment, such as Bodhidharma, Hui Neng, and Han Shan. In more recent times, there were Xu Yun, Hui Ming, Sheng Qin, and other elderly dharma masters. There were also Guru Padmasambhava, Master Tsongkhapa, Master Karmapa, Venerable Atisa, and Venerable Suchandra, among others. Still, persons of holy virtue with the kind of accomplishment of those people are so rare. Especially in the last 100 years or so, the dharma-ending era has taken a deeper and more pervasive hold. The true dharma of the Tathagatas is already almost completely lost. This applies even to leading figures of the modern era who were world-renowned people with titles such as eminent monastics or greatly virtuous ones, for when they approached the end of their lives, they suffered from pain till the very end. They did not attain liberation from birth and death, not to mention having control over their own birth and death.
H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha IIIhas brought the great dharma of the Tathagatas to the human world, resumed the original teachings of Sakyamuni Buddha, restored Buddhism to how it was when Sakyamuni Buddha was in this world, and even brought about a template by which Buddhists get faster and higher accomplishment through diligent cultivation. Such great dharmas include The Supreme and Unsurpassable Mahamudra of Liberation, initiation into the “Holy Inner-Tantric Jingxing Dharma,” dharma methods of cultivation that are beyond compare, and supreme dharmas that lead quickly to accomplishment. Such teachings and dharmas, which are innumerable, have never been previously brought to this world by any other holy person in history.
It is widely known that H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha IIIhas reached the pinnacle of accomplishment in the Five Vidyas and that His Holiness has the holy realization of a Buddha. This has indeed been validated by all kinds of facts. I would, however, like to propose that everyone give some thought to one thing. The accomplishments of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, just like the accomplishments of Sakyamuni Buddha, are the accomplishments of a Buddha and have nothing to do with us. What is truly intimately relevant to us is that we Buddhists can become accomplished through following the teachings. It is this that is of utmost importance!
In this regard, we conducted on-the-spot investigations. It is indeed true that greatly accomplished ones who were taught by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha IIIcan still be vividly recalled in everyone’s minds. They include Elder Dharma Master Wu Ming, Elder Dharma Master Yi Zhao, and Holy Venerable Yin Hai. Other examples are persons of holy virtue such as Dharma Master Tonghui, Master Puguan, Elder Dharma Master Guozhang, Great Venerable Wang Lingze, Layperson Cheng Efen, Hou Yushan, Lin-Liu Huixiu, and Zhao Yusheng. The facts prove that people taught by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha IIIhave attained extraordinary accomplishments.
Moreover, a disciple of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, Dharma King Gar Tongstan Ciren Gyatso, who was the President of the World Buddhism Association Headquarters, demonstrated his world-astounding mastery over his own birth and death!
In his lifetime, Dharma King Gar Tongstan had learned from many famous figures within Buddhism. Since he became a disciple of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III in 1995, it was as if he had found the rarest and most precious treasure. His experience was just like that of Luosang Zhenzhu Geshe, the only Larampa Geshe among the Han Chinese people, who, when answering a reporter’s question, said that his previous sixty years of learning Buddhism could not match one day of learning from H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III! Think of the implications of that!
After Dharma King Gar Tongstan learned dharmas and cultivation practices transmitted by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, he gave up all the ineffective dharmas that he had learned before and dedicated himself to practicing the profound Buddha-dharmas transmitted by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. His realization advanced by leaps and bounds, and he attained perfect good fortune and wisdom. In 2004, he demonstrated the vajra power of one who has the most extraordinary physical strength in the world. At the Holy Buddha-Bathing Dharma Assembly, as witnessed by many, he lifted the Buddha-bathing lotus tub weighing more than 4,000 pounds to pour water from it. In 2009, in front of many people, he performed a dharma by which his consciousness exited his body and fetched a vajra pill that was a distance away from him. Ultimately, the Dharma King illuminated his mind, saw his original nature, and realized the dharma-body (dharmakaya). The Silver Box Dharma Discourses, in which he talks about his realizations, are to this day widely distributed in the world.
In 2015, the planning and preparatory committee for the building of the Juexing Temple in Taiwan invited Dharma King Gar Tongstan to serve as the abbot of the temple. In a letter dated July 16, 2016, Dharma King Gar Tongstan wrote to the committee, telling them that he could not serve as the abbot of the temple because he does not have such karmic conditions. (For details, please see “Answer No. 18” in the “Important Replies from Holy Virtuous Ones and Eminent Monastics” issued by the Inquiry Center of WBAH.)
In 2017, a person of holy virtue by the name of Chen Yigu wrote the article I Dare to Guarantee What Merit Is and What Sin Is, and Buddha-Bestowed Nectar. That article quoted words from Dharma King Gar Tongstan informing Buddhist practitioners that he could not wait until the foundation of Ancient Buddha Temple is laid: “I, Gar Tongstan Ciren Gyatso, am simply not qualified to be the abbot of Ancient Buddha Temple.…I am not even qualified to be the supervisor of Ancient Buddha Temple. Furthermore, I already lack the karmic conditions to see and pay obeisance to Ancient Buddha Temple.…Although I am confidently in control of my birth and death, I am not sure I can return to the human world after arriving at a Buddha-land. That is because I do not know whether Amitabha Buddha will allow me to return to the human world to pay respect to the Buddha in person, unless H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, my beneficent Master, summons me.” What great Buddha-dharma it is by which the Dharma King could attain such accomplishment and confidently foretell his own birth and death!
In “Inquiry Reply No. 20180102” issued in 2018 by WBAH, it was stated, “Today, two members of the board of directors of World Buddhism Association Headquarters went to seek instructions from the Dharma King, as some people are asking when the Dharma King will leave this world in a state of liberation. Dharma King Gar Tongstan said that he had accomplished control over his birth and death by practicing a dharma, the yidam of which is H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. He said that once a last dharma is performed, he will write a decision letter about his leaving this world and then will leave this world in a state of liberation. He stated that he will not waste any time. Upon hearing that, members of the Persons of Holy Virtue Group at WBAH immediately entered a supernatural observance and found that Dharma King Gar Tongstan had already fully realized the status of Shang Zun at the level of Gold Button Grade 3!
Why was the Dharma King able to speak with such certainty? In today’s world, where could people possibly find such Buddha-dharma by which they can attain control over their own birth and death? For almost 100 years, there has not been Buddha-dharma that astounded the world in this way. The Dharma King said that once a last dharma has been performed, he would leave this world in a state of liberation as soon as possible. What dharma was he waiting for? What kind of decision letter would he leave behind? Anyway, that would happen very soon. It was just a matter of waiting for a dharma assembly to take place. We eagerly waited to see whether what he said was empty talk or a reference to an actual great dharma!
In September 2018, Dharma King Gar Tongstan beseeched his beneficent Buddha Master, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, to perform a holy fire-mandala grand offering. He said, “Your Holiness the Buddha should use this highest and greatest dharma of the Tathagatas to verify whether those who flaunt the banners of their lineages in society are ordinary or holy people, whether they are amateurs in Buddhism who have lost the lineage of true dharma. Those who carry evil views have made much efforts in social-media websites on the internet to undermine and slander the conduct and dharma of my beneficent Master, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. This is the only way for us to refute their evil and show what true Buddha-dharma is!”
H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha IIIsaid, “You are wrong. One must not cause others to feel bad for one’s own sake. I am not able to perform that dharma. Even if I were to perform it, I would only be able to chant according to the rituals.”
Dharma King Gar Tongstan continued to beseech, “My beneficent Buddha Master, even assuming that dharma is not performed for the sake of validating Yourself, that dharma still needs to be performed for the sake of validating the true dharma of the Tathagatas, for the sake of living beings in the entire Western world so as so eliminate their disasters and pray for their good fortune, and for my sake, Your disciple Gar Tongstan Ciren Gyatso, who is beseeching true Buddha-dharma so that I may have the requisites for my accomplishment!”
H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha IIIthen said, “Since this relates to the great cause of spreading true Buddha-dharma in the entire Western world, and for the sake of praying for good fortune to benefit living beings, you can rest assured that this dharma assembly will be performed. Even if I do not do perform it, a person of tremendously holy virtue will perform it.”
On September 17th, a metalwork specialist led a team to rush the fabrication of a brass cauldron. On September 18th, Sister Xuan Hui brought sandalwood pieces and charcoals from the residence of Dharma King Gar Tongstan to be burnt during the homa fire-offering. On September 19th, the “Holy Fire-Offering Grand Dharma Assembly” was formally held at the Holy Miracles Temple in the United States.
The “Holy Fire-Offering Dharma” is the king of all dharmas in eliminating karmic hindrances and increasing good fortune. About eighty years ago in Tibet, this dharma was once successfully performed by Master Phapongka and Kangsa Rinpoche. Ever since, both in Tibet and the regions of the Han Chinese, the so-called fire-offering dharma has been something that is merely described in books or described orally as being a holy dharma practice; that is, there has not been any actual manifestation of holy states during that time. There have only been conventional dharma practices performed through the chanting of rituals.
However, on September 19th at the Holy Fire-Offering Grand Dharma Assembly that was performed by one of tremendously holy virtue at Holy Miracles Temple in the United States, Vajra Maternal Buddha personally arrived in the sky. Her entire tall and enormous blue body emitted light. In an article published on the internet, someone said that they saw Vajra Maternal Buddha flick a finger, sending forth a flash of light from the sky. The fire inside the cauldron then ignited.
However, I have interviewed quite a few people who saw something different. They saw that Vajra Maternal Buddha, who was blue, manifested Her appearance in the sky. She was enormous, very tall, and extremely dignified and majestic. Her body and movements changed. A net of fire and lightning swirled around Her entire body. As soon as the fire-ignition guardian finished beseeching Her to ignite the fire, Vajra Maternal Buddha suddenly emitted a flash of light from between Her eyebrows directly into the fire cauldron. In an instant, a raging fire started burning! At that time, only five pieces of sandalwood had been placed inside the fire cauldron. How could such a raging fire possibly ignite in an instant?
Subsequently, the demons captured inside the vajra demon-subduing bowl struggled desperately to escape, trying to shake the bowl to find an exit. Right at the moment that the bowl shook, Vajra Maternal Buddha again sent forth a flame from between Her eyebrows directly toward the demon-subduing bowl. Suddenly, the sound “Hong” was heard. The demon-subduing bowl emitted golden flames, instantly turning the demons and black karma of the attending cultivators into pulverized powder. Vajra Maternal Buddha subdued the demons, whose souls were brought to a Buddha-land to be edified! The nearly 100 cultivators attending the dharma assembly were greatly astonished, and they were all kowtowing non-stop to pay obeisance!
At the dharma assembly, the one of tremendously holy virtue announced to the practitioners, “This dharma assembly has now been performed. Dharma King Gar Tongstan will very soon leave the world.”
Sure enough, this was precisely the last dharma assembly that Dharma King Gar Tongstan said he was waiting for. On the next day, the Dharma King took a bath, changed his clothes, and entered his dharma practice. In front of his meditation seat, there was a writing desk, brush and ink, paper, and white-out fluid. After writing a letter respectfully bidding farewell to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, the Dharma King immediately went into a sitting meditation and passed away in a state of liberation.
When monastics from different temples heard the news and quickly made their way to the site, they found that right after the Dharma King put down his brush, he passed away in a state of liberation gracefully and completely at ease. At that time, everyone came to realize that the Verses of Respectful Farewell written by Dharma King Gar Tongstan are pointing living beings to where the true, great dharma of the Tathagatas is. That is, the true dharma is held and controlled by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. It is the same as the dharma of Sakyamuni Buddha; namely, Buddha-dharma that is non-sectarian and belongs to the entirety of Buddhism!
The following are the Verses of Respectful Farewell written by Dharma King Gar Tongstan:
Verses of Respectful Farewell
Namo beneficent Master, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III
Disciple Gar Tongstan Ciren Gyatso has decided to leave this world.
As life is filled with suffering,
I rushed about learning Buddhism and seeking enlightenment.
I have followed many masters:
Guang Qin, Xuan Hua, Kalu,
And Dharma King Dilgo Khyentse,
Diligently practicing their dharmas and the Sakya unshared LamDre Dharma,
All to no avail.
Thankfully, I met my Buddha Master.
Through the Mahamudra of Liberation that is supreme and unsurpassed,
And the secret initiations and transmissions of holy dharma from my Buddha Master,
I achieved control over my own birth and death.
My direct realization is reality.
I now put down my brush and leave this world,
Entering into the state of liberation before the ink dries.
Namo my beneficent Master, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III!
Disciple Tongstan respectfully bids farewell.
September 20, 2018

Link: https://dharma-hhdorjechangbuddhaiii.org/supreme-buddha-dharma-once-again-astonishes-the-world/

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#第三世多杰羌佛 #多杰羌佛第三世 #世界佛教總部

I Finally Witnessed the Holy Fire-Offering Great Dharma That is Talked about in Buddhist History

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I Finally Witnessed the Holy Fire-Offering Great Dharma That is Talked about in Buddhist History


After 80 years, the authentic “Holy Fire-Offering Homa Dharma” was performed again to eliminates disasters, staves off hardships, removes hindrances and increases good fortune. The Vajra Maternal Buddha arrived in the sky and personally lit the fire.
(Reported by Nangqiong Nuosang) On September 19, 2018, one of tremendously holy virtue conducted a “Holy Fire-Offering Dharma Assembly” that was officially held at the Holy Miracles Temple in the United States. The dharma assembly took place at the Grand Hall of the Buddhas and the courtyard right outside the hall. It was a complete success.
The attendees of this dharma assembly, which is extremely rare and almost impossible to come by, attended under two types of karmic conditions. Under the first type of condition, there were direct attendees who are persons of holy virtue, eminent monastics, abbots of Buddhist temples, and leaders of Buddhist organizations. Their attendance was determined by a Yu-Zun, Wang Zha Shang-Zun, Mozhi Jiao-Zun, or Dharma King Gar Tongstan. Under the second type of condition, there were attendees whose attendance accorded with karmic conditions. They encountered the occasion by happenstance and hence attended the dharma assembly.
Fire-offering dharma is a great dharma in Buddhism. In Tibetan Buddhism, fire-offering is especially of significant importance. In places such as Tibet and India, even common people are almost all highly familiar with this well-known great dharma that eliminates disasters, staves off hardships, removes hindrances and increases good fortune. This Buddha-dharma is also known as the “Holy Fire-Offering Homa Dharma.” However, the authentic “Holy Fire-Offering Homa Dharma” is hardly performed even once in a hundred years. What people often attended were just regular fire-offering dharma assemblies. The empowerment produced from “Holy Fire-Offering Homa Dharma” and that produced from a regular fire-offering is as different as heaven and earth, as different as one step versus ten thousand miles.
When Wang Zha Shang-Zun and two great holy virtuous ones spoke about what they personally experienced, they said that in the last 100 years, the famous Master Pabongka, also known as the Great Sun Tathagata, and Kangsa Rinpoche, also known as the Great Moon Tathagata, had both performed this dharma. A great holy virtuous person of Gold Button Grade 2 said, “I have learned this dharma but have not succeeded in the practice of it. It appears that I am still lacking in dharma powers and abilities and that I still have to make efforts. In the last several decades, I have yet to see any great holy virtuous person, great dharma king, or great dharma master successfully practice a holy fire-offering dharma. If a holy fire-offering is not successfully performed, it can only have the effect of a regular fire-offering.”
What are the differences between a successful practice and an unsuccessful practice? First, people claim that the regular fire-offering dharma from the Tibetan tradition and the fire-offerings from the lineage of Eastern esoteric Buddhism (woodpile grand dharma assemblies) are so extraordinary. After looking into it, it turns out that the fire in these dharmas are lit by people. How could such empowerment be remotely compared to the empowerment from a fire ignited by Buddhas or holy deities? A holy fire-offering is different. It requires beseeching nine Tathagatas, Vajra Maternal Buddha, Prajna Maternal Buddha, and the holy assembly of dharma-protectors to personally arrive at the fire-mandala. It is an authentic holy fire-offering only when the Vajra Maternal Buddha arrives in the sky and personally lights the fire.
During this holy fire-offering dharma assembly, good and faithful Buddhists sat on both sides of the Grand Hall of the Buddhas. With watchful eyes, they personally witnessed in close proximity the whole process of that dharma assembly. The fire-offering mandala involves the use of numerous different dharma instruments. A cauldron was newly made for the fire-offering mandala just in time for the dharma assembly. It was a clean cauldron made of pure copper, with no electrical or ignition device inside. A flat table and all the dharma instruments, including the fire cauldron, were wiped thoroughly clean from top to bottom by more than ten volunteers on site. The fire cauldron was placed on that flat table. Pieces of sandalwood were put inside the cauldron. The table was then moved closer to the door of the Grand Hall.
The one of tremendously holy virtue who conducted the dharma performed the rituals in accordance with the dharma. The dharma seat of the one of tremendously holy virtue was about fifty meters away from the fire cauldron. Bodi Wentu Ru-Zun, a person of holy virtue at the level of Gold Button Grade 1, served as the “Fire-Ignition Guardian.” He soaked the fire stick with butter oil, then walked toward the fire cauldron. With each step he took, he chanted one mantra character. He originally intended to light the fire, but when he was about six meters away from the cauldron, he suddenly changed his mind. He stood still, looked up and said loudly, “This Holy Fire-Mandala Homa Dharma is being performed by the Namo One of Tremendously Holy Virtue. Would Vajra Maternal Buddha please ignite the fire. If Vajra Maternal Buddha does not ignite the fire, I, disciple Bodi Wentu, will ignite the fire.” He then made a deep bow. Standing at a place a distance away, the one of tremendously holy virtue then said loudly, “Would Vajra Maternal Buddha please ignite the homa fire to eliminate hindrances for living beings and increase their good fortune!” As soon as those words were spoken, Vajra Maternal Buddha suddenly appeared in the sky. I saw Vajra Maternal Buddha flick her finger sending forth a flash of light. The fire inside the cauldron then ignited. Initially, there was no trace of fire inside the cauldron; then, suddenly, the cauldron was ablaze with raging fire. Bodi Wentu was so taken aback that he quickly moved away. He then immediately turned around and began to prostrate. When everyone there saw from close proximity the sudden ignition of the flames, they instantly knelt on the ground and kowtowed. Everyone was extremely excited. Subsequently, in accordance with the rituals, the attendees began to pray and burn homa-offerings.
A Buddhist disciple took the initiative to place the vajra demon-subduing bowl, which is used in a holy fire-offering, upside down on a small flat table. According to the meaning of the dharma, demons and evil karma from everyone attending the fire-offering are collected and subdued inside the bowl. The demons tried in vain to escape from the bowl, using all of their strength to shake the bowl. At this critical moment, a sound of “Hong” was heard! Vajra Maternal Buddha launched a flash of lightning, turning all the malicious demons and black karma inside the bowl into pulverized powder. The souls of the demons were brought to a Buddha-land by Buddhas and Bodhisattvas to be edified under rigorous discipline.
All these times, the one of tremendously holy virtue remained at a distance and did not come close to any dharma instruments or dharma tables. Subsequently, the great dharma of “Secretly Sending a Petition to a Bodhisattva” was performed. All attendees on site heard the inverted vajra demon-subduing bowl that they were viewing, with its opening completely sealed by the flat surface of the table, emit a loud sound of “Hong.” A flame resembling lightning swirled around the edge of bowl, then vanished. Thereafter, attendees of the assembly turned the bowl over and saw that there was nothing either under or inside the bowl. The “petition” secretly sent to the Bodhisattva had already been taken away. Under the watchful eyes of the assembly, the petition simply disappeared without a trace. The dharma of “Secretly Sending a Petition to a Bodhisattva” was successfully performed! Meanwhile, the burned demonic corpses emitted an extremely foul odor, much worse than any kind of stinky odor in the world. All those who sniffed the bowl found the foul odor so unbearable that their facial expressions looked distorted. The true state of the holy fire-offering dharma had been performed to perfection.
According to my understanding, the holy fire-offering dharma had not been successfully performed in more than eighty years. Everyone talked about it in theory, but Buddhas and Bodhisattvas did not appear. Regardless of who performed the dharma, there was not one holy homa dharma assembly that manifested the true state of the dharma like this one. That is to say, within the territory of Tibet, India, and other countries in the world, such a magnificent fire-offering dharma assembly did happen more than eighty years ago. Now is the second time it has happened, enabling us to personally witness and experience right then and there the supreme magnificence of the true dharma of the Tathagatas.
During this holy fire-offering dharma assembly, there were manifestations of unprecedented holy states and boundless mighty power. What is more magnificent is that the smoke from the fire-offering mandala rose up inside the grand hall, densely spreading over all of the top of the hall, yet the smoke detectors on the ceiling did not sound any alarm. That was so miraculous. Normally, when one is halfway through smoking a cigarette inside that grand hall, the alarm would sound, and water would sprinkle down. The power demonstrated by the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in that holy dharma assembly was so marvelous and subtle.
Such were the extremely wonderful holy miracles from the holy homa fire-offering. The good and faithful Buddhists attendees were very moved. Even the well-known Mozhi Jiao-Zun lost his calm. He was so excited that his facial expression looked twisted. Everyone did their utmost to present offerings to the one of tremendously holy virtue, but the one of tremendously holy virtue did not accept even one cent, and simply told everyone to keep their offerings.
In this world, the Holy Miracles Temple has now established an authentic inner-tantric mandala because everyone on site personally witnessed the “Secretly Sending a Petition to a Bodhisattva.” However, the one of tremendously holy virtue said, “It would be best if you yourselves found one of greatly holy virtue to perform ‘Lifting the Three Vajra Phurbas.’ In this way, a real object can be placed there for worship to demonstrate that an inner-tantric mandala has truly been established.”
I personally attended that assembly in which the great dharma of the real holy fire-offering was performed. It made me deeply feel that what a great holy virtuous person said is correct: “A regular fire-offering in comparison to a holy fire-offering is like one hair in comparison to the hairs of nine oxen. It is just like child’s play.” No wonder a Jiao-Zun said, “The merit from a holy fire-offering in which Vajra Maternal Buddha appears in the sky to ignite the fire is several thousand times greater than the merit from a regular fire-offering in which a person ignites the fire.”
The fire cauldron, offering tables, and related dharma instruments used in that holy fire-offering will all be placed for worship at the Holy Miracles Temple.
At this point, I would also like to mention a very important matter. On September 19th after the holy fire-offering dharma assembly was successfully completed, the Namo one of tremendously holy virtue announced right then and there in the Grand Hall of the Buddhas: “Today’s great dharma assembly has already been conducted. Dharma King Gar Tongstan has been waiting for this dharma assembly. This is the last dharma assembly from which he receives empowerment.”
In an announcement issued by the World Buddhism Association Headquarters just a few days ago, Dharma King Gar Tongstan said that once a last dharma assembly is conducted, he would pass away as soon as possible in a state of liberation. Two dharma masters urged him to stay for the sake of propagating dharma to save living beings. The Dharma King said, “With the Buddha Master living in the world, my level of realization would not be of much use! Life is a dream. Sooner or later, one has to leave. When causes and conditions come together, there is illusory existence. With the ending of those conditions, such existence breaks down. That’s it. I won’t stay!” He also said, “I have control over my birth and death. I can leave at whatever time I want to leave. My situation is different from that of Zhao Yusheng, a person of holy virtue, who relied on Buddhas and Bodhisattvas to receive him at a set time.”
Dharma King Gar Tongstan truly fulfilled his words regarding his control over his own birth and death. On September 20th, the day after the dharma assembly, he took a bath, put on his dharma robe, and laid out stationary before his dharma seat. He wrote a farewell letter to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III in which he stated that he will “pass away in a state of liberation before the ink dries.” Having stated that in writing, once he put down his brush, he indeed instantly passed away in a state of liberation. Only someone who has attained freedom from birth and death can have such a state of accomplishment!

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