I wholeheartedly prostrate to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III.
2014, I was diagnosed with stage 2 spleen cancer and had the surgery
performed at the University of Taiwan Hospital. In June the same year, I
started chemotherapy. Sister Qinyi Zhou came to visit me in September
that year and brought me a copy of the book The Buddha Speaks on Curing the Hemorrhoids Sutra.
I chanted the sutra continuously for one month and I noticed the dark
brown nails on my hands - the side effect of chemotherapy - had started
to fade. It was unbelievable!
During that time, sister Zhou and Buddhist brother Sangdun Chuba Rinpoche frequently visited me and even helped me to begin to set up an altar and purchased all the necessary items to offer to the Buddhas. I also invited Buddhist brother Jijia Cuoren Rinpoche and many other Buddhist brothers and sisters to come to my house for the purification ceremony and beseeching blessings. I then set up my dharma-listening center. I requested recorded Dharma from International Buddhism Sangha Association in order to promote Buddha Dharma and benefit others. After that, miraculously my symptoms of peeling skins on my hands and feet and the mouth ulcer that was seriously affecting my eating gradually disappeared. What was even harder to believe was that the MRI done in November 2014 showed that the cancer had vanished. Cancer marker went from 67 to 46 in about a little more than 2 months - The terrifying spleen cancer just disappeared! I had never thought that chanting Buddhist Sutras and setting up a Dharma-listening center would have such powerful blessing on me!
my progress, sister Zhou encouraged me to take the examination to
become a Master of Dharma-Listening Sessions so that I could promote the
correct views and understanding of the Buddha dharma of H.H. Dorje
Chang Buddha III to others. It would be the best way to benefit others
and carry out the Bodhicitta. In so doing, I would receive even more
blessings, she said. I did not disappoint her and successfully passed
the exam in March 2015.
few months after that, the doctor who was in charge of my chemotherapy,
Dr. Yang, suddenly announced that my treatment should be stopped ahead
of schedule ( normally it has to last for more than a year) This had
never happened before! So, my confidence increased and I was even more
diligent in listening to the Buddha Dharma and reading Buddhist books. I
consistently rain or shine went to the
group cultivation sessions held at Holy Dharma Compassion and Kindness
Association. I cultivate myself and learn from the Buddha with a heart
of repentance
and gratitude. On September 21, 2016 my primary doctor, Professor Tian
told me "no more doctor's visits, just periodical rechecks in charged by
Dr. Yang." So I only need another doctor's visit! What a great relief!
I felt like a burden of rock has shifted off my shoulders.
the past two years, if it was not because of the blessings of H.H.
Dorje Chang Buddha III, if I did not study Buddhism and cultivate
myself, if there was no help and encouragement from the Buddhist
brothers and sisters , I would not have recovered from cancer and I
would not have been able to travel around the world and gone to social
functions! In contrast, my husband who had brain cancer and was very
stubborn and did not want to believe in Buddhism died in May 2015.
transform my grief to power and strongly believe in the law of cause
and effect. I will continue to study Buddhism, listen to the recorded
Dharma of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, cultivate my words, thoughts, and
behaviors, promote kindness and eradicate evil, and strive to
correspond with the Buddha! Here, I would like to thank all the members
of the medical team at Taiwan University who have treated me, all my
relatives and family members, my Buddhist brothers and sisters for their
kindness and care. They have made it possible for me to cultivate and
learn from the Buddha! Amitabha!
Buddhist Disciple Shengmei
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