2016年12月27日 星期二


祝賀“H.H.第三世多杰羌佛日”  吉祥祈福放生法會通知
西元2011 1 19 日,美國首都華盛頓市葛瑞市長(Vincent C. Gray, Mayor of Washington D.C.) 正式宣佈2011 1 19 日為H.H.第三世多杰羌佛日”,並號召大家向H.H.第三世多杰羌佛致敬!這是此世界上唯一由政府頒佈的佛陀之日。爲了慶祝這偉大勝聖的“H.H.第三世多杰羌佛日,本館特定於西元2017 1 15 日於美國洛杉磯舉行放生活動以示對H.H.第三世多杰羌佛及十方諸佛的最高致敬,並且祝禱世界和平,美國繁榮昌盛,國泰民安,五穀豐登,世界和平,大眾幸福!

2017 年1 月15 日(星期日)
放生時間: 早上09:00 AM
放生地點: 13759 Fiji Way, Marina Del Rey, CA 90292

時間: 下午01:30 PM
地點: 本館二樓大廳
         170 E. School St
         Covina, CA 91723

Notice of the Celebration Activities in Observation of the
"H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Day"
On January 19, 2011, Mr. Vincent C. Gray, Mayor of Washington DC, the capital of the USA, proclaimed that the Nineteenth of January, 2011 to be the "His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III Day", and called upon everyone to salute H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III! This is the only Buddha Day proclaimed by the government in this world. In order to celebrate this great, victorious, and holy "H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Day", this museum will hold a series of activities in Los Angeles, USA, on January 15, 2017 to show the highest solute to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III and all Buddhas in the ten directions, and to pray for a prosperous and strong United States of America with its people enjoying comfort and abundance, peace in the world, and happy and blissful lives for all living beings!
The schedule of the activities is shown below:

Sunday, January 15, 2017
1. Releasing Lives for Auspice and Bliss
Time: 9AM
Place: 13759 Fiji Way, Marina Del Rey, CA 90292

2. Respectfully Listening to Wonderful Buddha Dharma Voice Recordings
Time: 1:30PM
Place: The grand hall on the second floor of the museum
          170 E. School St
          Covina, CA 91723



