A miracle after continuously listening to the dharma discourse and cultivating, and practice according to the teachings:
The tumor in my thyroid gland has mysteriously diminished.
By Ci YangStaring at my medical report, the uncomfortable feeling which I have been experiencing around my front neck has been affirmed – There is a tumor about 3.2 x 2.1 cm in size in my thyroid gland.
Strangely, coming to terms with the fact that there is a tumor bigger than the size of my thumb in my neck has not caused me fear and distressed. Ever since I started learning Buddhism, I have not done any killing of any forms of living beings. Indeed I have been persuading my friends and families not to kill any forms of living beings but do more life deliberation instead. Besides, I have actively participated in various types of Buddhist voluntary work, hoping to accumulate merits from my good deeds. For I strongly believe that I will have the blessing from the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas and that I will always be fine.
was my ultrasound report dated 29.06.2016 from The Second People’s
Hospital of Shenzhen, showing that there was a tumor of 32mm x 21mm in
size in the left side of my thyroid gland.
Upon knowing the news, I did not allow my mind to wander disorderly. Instead, I sincerely prayed to Buddhas and Bodhisattvas for blessings and calmingly accepted the medical advice from the doctor. The doctor suggested an operation as the tumor was benign. To be on the safe side, my family and I were seeking further medical advice, hoping for a better solution. We came to know that Sun Yu Shan hospital in Shenzhen offers treatment by medication and no operation is needed. I visited the hospital January 2017 and was informed that it was too late for me to be put on the medication treatment due to the size of my tumor which could not be dissolved by medication only. I was also told that the medication might cause side effect to the stomach and as a result, I was advised to go for an operation.
According to the doctors and the medical websites, thyroid neoplasm is not a terminal illness, however, the operation to remove the tumor of this size could be life threatening as it is surrounded by main artery and lymph nodes in the neck. Because of my faith in practising the true Buddha dharma expounded by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, I was prepared to accept the worst and understood that it was all due to my karma. However, what worried me more was if I had gone for the operation and my daily practice of the Buddha dharma (which was transmitted to me by my Ru Zun Holy Monk Master would be interrupted and this is disrespectful to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. I prayed to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas for giving me the best solution.
I started learning Buddhism in 2013 after I was introduced to Buddhism by a fellow from the same village as me. In the beginning, I did not practise Buddhism diligently. However, in the past two years, I have actively participated group cultivation sessions, listening to dharma discourses of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III and sharing the benefits of practising Buddhism. That’s how I learned why human beings cannot avoid illnesses and what karmic cause and effect is, etc. We, the people from Guang Dong have always liked to eat fresh and live seafood and hence have accumulated great extent of negative karma. I understand that when the time comes, I will need to face my own karmic consequences.
I decided to go for the operation soon after my visit to Sun Yu Shan hospital. Coincidentally, it was close to the spring festival and my family and friends persuaded me to postpone the operation after the spring festival celebration. I agreed and temporarily set aside the thought of going for the operation but I continued diligently to practise Buddhism, to listen to the dharma discourse and I would transfer all the merits to all the living beings. When gathered with the family during the reunion dinner in my hometown, I did my best to persuade my family members not to slaughter chickens/ducks but encouraged them to spare any forms of life.
Every week, I would go to a temple about 30km away to participate a group cultivation session. This is because to me practising Buddhism is the right path to happiness. After I came back from my hometown after the spring festival celebration, I suddenly felt that the discomfort in my neck has diminished. I could feel that the size of the tumor has reduced and the whole of me felt relaxed. I knew that that was the blessings from the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas bestowed upon me. I shared this experience with my husband and he found it hard to believe that the tumor would grow smaller without any medication or treatment. He said it would be impossible and that I would have been very lucky if the tumor had not grown bigger.
In March 2017, my family said it was time to go for the operation. This time I refused. I was adamant that the tumor had grown smaller. Despite my family’s disbelief, I had the absolute faith that it was the blessings from the Buddha dharma. On March 16, I went for another ultrasound scan at Shenzhen Shekao People’s Hospital. To my relief, the result confirmed that the tumor has reduced remarkably by 1/3rd to 2.1cm x 1.5cm. Moreover, I was so delighted as the doctor announced that I did not have to go through the operation anymore except to go for a check-up once a year.
Learning and practising Buddhism is a true belief and not superstition. While I uphold my faith in the blessings from the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, I do not deny the needs for medication. In the《128 Evil and Erroneous Views expounded by Buddha Master, it was specifically pointed out that it is an erroneous view to believe that your illness will be cured by requesting empowerment and without cultivating yourself. I faithfully followed this teaching and therefore I sought for necessary medical advice to help with my illness and at the same time not to forget to continue the cultivation.
was my ultrasound report dated 16.03.2017 from Shenzhen Shekao People’s
Hospital, confirming that the tumor had reduced to 2.1cm x 1.5cm and no
operation was needed
One must have faith in learning and practising Buddhism. Everything begins from “Belief, resolve, and action”. Without the fundamentals of believing in Buddha dharma, believing in the blessings from the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas and believing in the law of cause and effect, one cannot practise the real Buddha dharma and benefit from the Buddha dharma’s blessings. Because of my faith and sincerity towards true dharma, my tumor reduced by 1/3 by itself in 3 months. This incident convinced my husband and it also helped me to gain the support from my husband to continue to learn the Buddha dharma by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. I also take the opportunity to share with my friends and families the benefits of practising Buddhism and encourage them to participate and practise Buddhism in our daily life.
It has been 6 months since I took the last ultrasound, the tumor has not grown bigger. I am healthy. Nowadays, I regularly practise Buddhism and play wiser balls with my daughter and I enjoy a happy family life. Every week, I continue to visit the temple 30km away to participate in the group cultivation session. To me, Buddhism is the right path to happiness. The true dharma is the path to self-happiness, to avoid bad karma, and by applying the law of cause and effect in our daily life, we will find that our life is getting better and better.
I hope more people would come to learn the true dharma expounded by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III.
Link: https://greatprajna.org/2017/08/12/a-miracle-after-continuously-listening-to-the-dharma-discourse-and-cultivating-and-practice-according-to-the-teachings-the-tumor-in-my-thyroid-gland-has-mysteriously-diminished/
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